Have you been thinking to replace your ordinary CPU coolers with a robust and efficient cooler? If yes, then you are all set to purchase a Liquid CPU Cooler. Never heard about one of these? Don’t worry as in this article we will discuss the basics of liquid cooling, and will look at the advantages and disadvantages of this type of cooling.
Liquid coolers are just like your ordinary air coolers for CPU. However, the main difference that makes them unique is the use of liquid instead of air to dissipate the heat from the system. With so many innovations people are always looking sound to transform their systems to a much efficient one. But do liquid CPU coolers actually work? Or is it all just a hype? To know further move on with us to the next segment.
how do liquid CPU coolers works?

The liquid CPU cooler market is still a very new concept for many people, especially those that are just getting into the PC hardware and computer game development markets. Liquid CPU coolers work on the action of baseplate absorbing heat. Basically,
the liquid absorbs the heat from the backplate and moves upward to a radiators. The liquid is then exposed to the air by the radiator, which in turn will help the system to cool down. The mechanism is pretty much the same for all the liquid CPU coolers out there, but it can be broken down into four main functions:
Pumping Action
The Pump is the main part of your liquid CPU cooler. It pushes the coolant through the tubes that go from the radiator to the CPU. The pump will push the liquid through the tubes and the tubes will direct the liquid around the CPU. The pump is what really pushes the liquid through the tubes to the radiator and back to the pump.
Radiator Action
The radiator is a big piece of metal that is used to cool the liquid that is running through the radiator. There are many different types of radiators; some are plastic and others are aluminium.
Liquid Action
The coolant is what actually does the cooling. It absorbs heat from the CPU and moves it away from the computer’s motherboard and into the radiator. The coolant is also used to transfer heat from the CPU to the radiator, so if you want your computer to run a little faster, make sure you get a good quality coolant.
Ventilation Action
A lot of liquid CPU coolers have fans built into them. The fan helps move the coolant around the radiator and out of the computer. Without a fan, the liquid would just sit in one spot and not be able to cool anything.
There are many different types of pumps, radiators and coolants available today. Each of these parts will help you decide on which type of liquid CPU cooler is best for you.
Are Liquid CPU Coolers New In The Trend?
The liquid cooling trend has been growing and gaining more popularity over the last few years. As the number of people who use computers increased, so did the demand for better performance. Liquid cooling solutions are designed to increase the cooling capacity of the computer’s CPU.
How Does A Liquid CPU Cooler Look Like?

The liquid CPU coolers are designed in such a way that it can be used with any type of CPU. It is similar to the liquid cooler in the form of a tube. There are two holes present in the top view of the liquid CPU coolers. These holes help in cooling the CPU fan.
The liquid CPU cooler looks like a cylinder. The shape of the liquid CPU cooler is also dependent on the type of processor. Liquid coolers work over the mechanism of liquid.
Liquid coolers are much more efficient and are able to provide effective cooling in short time. We have tried many Liquid CPU coolers. Additionally, liquid CPU coolers comes up in every shape and sizes.
Liquid CPU Cooler VS. Air CPU Cooler

If you have been following the trends in CPU cooling, then you are aware of the fact that we have gone from air cooling to water cooling to liquid cooling. If you are wondering which one of these cooling solutions is better, then read on to know all about it.
Some people have claimed that liquid cooling is much more effective than air cooling. But there are others who believe that air cooling is better for them because it is much cheaper and easier to implement. So which one of these is better? Is one of them really better than the other?
Liquid cooling is a technology that uses a liquid substance as the medium to cool down the CPU. In most cases, this liquid substance is water or some type of antifreeze. The liquid is pumped to the CPU and then circulated around the CPU to ensure that it can remove heat from the CPU.
Now, air cooling is a technology that uses a gas to cool down the CPU. This gas is usually air. The air is blown to the CPU to cool it down. The air is usually blown by fans which force the air through a radiator.
The radiator has holes to let the air go out of the system and the heat to escape into the ambient environment. But there are some disadvantages to this method of cooling. For one, the radiator needs a lot of space. A radiator also takes up a lot of power and needs to be continuously powered by a fan. And lastly, a radiator does not have any way to directly contact the CPU to dissipate heat.
When you have liquid cooling, then you do not have to worry about the components getting damaged because of heat. You also do not need to worry about the noise level because the liquid is not generating any sound. The only problem that you might have with liquid cooling is that it can be expensive. If you are looking for something affordable, then air cooling might be a good choice.
All you have to do is get fans, put them in place and let the air flow through the radiator. But there are some disadvantages to using air cooling. For one, air cooling requires more power than liquid cooling.
Liquid CPU Cooler VS. Heat Sinks

It’s not often that we hear about a CPU cooler that is quiet and it’s even rarer to find one that can keep your processor cool. Most heat sinks are just that, heat sinks. The majority of them are made out of aluminium or copper with fins on the top and bottom.
The idea is to spread the heat around the whole system and away from the processor. Unfortunately, the heat sinks usually don’t do a great job at keeping the temperature down. The truth is that if you don’t have a Liquid CPU cooler for your processor, it is not really possible to get the temperature down.
To learn more about the differences between a CPU Cooler and a Heatsink, click here.
Are Liquid CPU Coolers Easy To Maintain?
The first thing you should consider before you buy your cooler is how easy it is to maintain. With an air cooler, you’re required to clean the dust out. However, with liquid coolers, you can just change the liquid.
In general, yes liquid CPU coolers are much easy to maintain. They require very little maintenance. Many CPU coolers are designed to be maintenance free. Some of the newer models are self-contained, and you simply install the fan and radiator and hook up the tubing. There is no fluid to refill or bleed.
Are Liquid CPU Coolers Noisy?
Introduction Liquid cooling is nothing new. We’ve been using this technology for years now, but as the number of enthusiasts getting into the market has increased, so has the amount of misinformation out there about it.
One common misconception we see a lot is that liquid cooling is noisier than air cooling. It’s not. In fact, liquid cooling is often quieter. The main reasons is the fluid used in LCS doesn’t expand and contract with heat like air does.
This makes it much easier to deal with temperature fluctuations and keep things at a consistent level. In many cases, the fans used in liquid cooling systems are actually larger than the fans used in air cooling systems, meaning that they are quieter.
Are Liquid CPU Coolers Good For Overclocking?
If you’re a gamer, overclocking has been a major hobby for a long time now. From the days of pushing up the clock speed on your motherboard, to the days of using a liquid CPU cooler, overclocking has become a sort of sport for many enthusiasts. Overclocking is fun, it makes your hardware more powerful and allows you to squeeze a little bit more performance out of your hardware.
Advantages Of A Liquid CPU Cooler

The answer to this question is simple, if you want to have the best cooling performance and are looking for a good deal, then you should definitely get a liquid CPU cooler. If you want the best cooling performance and are willing to pay for it, then you should definitely consider getting a liquid CPU cooler.
The advantages of liquid cooling are well known by now, but the question still remains as to whether or not you should get one.
A liquid CPU cooler has many advantages over a traditional air cooled system. It is more effective in cooling, and the noise levels are low. It will also help to improve the overclocking capabilities of your CPU.
Disadvantages Of A Liquid CPU Cooler

A high-end liquid CPU cooler is more effective than air cooling but it is also more complex and can be more expensive.
The main disadvantage of a liquid CPU cooler is that it is a little bit more difficult to install. It is also harder to remove the heat pipe from the CPU and to install it back in place, but on the upside, it will be easier to keep your CPU at a low temperature.
How Long Can You Expect A Liquid CPU Cooler To Last?
Most liquid CPU coolers last as long as their fans do. Their fans, however, are going to last for approximately 20,000 hours, or roughly three years.
The answer to this question how long a liquid CPU cooler can last also depends on several factors, including: the price you are willing to pay for a liquid CPU cooler, the model of CPU cooler you have, and whether or not you are using it as a primary cooling solution.
Read: How Long Do AIO Coolers Last?
How Often The Liquid OF A Liquid CPU Cooler Must Be Changed?
The liquid cooling market has exploded over the past few years. With no shortage of options and some really good ones, the market is a little bit confusing to navigate at times.
How often you need to change the liquid of your CPU cooler depends on the ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature is relatively constant and the CPU heat-sink is not mounted directly to the motherboard, then you can change it as often as you like.
If the ambient temperature is variable and the CPU heat-sink is directly mounted to the motherboard, then you will want to change it less frequently than if the ambient temperature is relatively constant. The liquid can last long up to good 2 years but that also depends on what kind of liquid you are using.
To sum it up, liquid CPU coolers are not less than any blessing. They make the system cool without using much energy and are able to last a long time. Plus you will say goodbye to annoying noises while using a liquid CPU cooler. Hopefully our article has helped you understand how do liquid CPU coolers work. Thank you for reading!